Image Formats

Photo Prints
Popular sizes are 3"x5", 4"x6", 8"x10", of course, we can scan any prints with size up to A4 (please enquire for larger sizes and photos inside an album).
35mm Slide
The 35mm slide mounts are approximately 50mm x 50mm. The image frame is normally about 35mm x 23mm.
126 Slide
The 126 slide mounts are approximately 50mm x 50mm. The image frame is normally about 26.5mm x 26.5mm.
127 Slide
The 127 slide mounts are approximately 50mm x 50mm. The image frame is normally about 40mm x 40mm.
110 Slide / Full Frame
The 110 slide full frame mounts are approximately 50mm x 50mm. The image frame is normally about 12mm x 16mm.
110 Slide / Half Frame
The 110 slide half frame mounts are approximately 30mm x 30mm. The image frame is normally about 12mm x 16mm.
135 (35mm) Negative
A 35mm negative is 35mm wide. The image frame is 36mm x 24mm.
126 Negative
A 126 negative is 35mm wide. The image frame is normally about 28mm x 28mm. 126 negatives are often confused with 35mm slides due to the width also being 35mm.
110 Negative
A 110 negative is 16mm wide. The 110 negative stock is from 16mm motion picture film. The image frame is normally about 13mm x 17mm.
Kodak Disc Film Negative
A disk film negative is shaped as a disk. The image frame is only 11mm x 8mm providing very low quality.
Advantix / APS Negative
The cartridge stores the negatives in the cartridge even after processing. The image frame is 24mm wide and has 3 different widths.
120/220 Medium Format Negative
A medium format negative is normally 60mm high. The image frame is normally about 56mm high. There are a variety of sizes used in medium format. The most common aspect ratios used are: 6 x 4.5, 6 x 6, 6 x 7, 6 x 9, 6 x 17.
Other Formats
There are a multitude of other formats such as X-Ray, A4 size Slide / Negative. We scan most of them. Please enquire.